
Abundance of Ramadan in Syria

As part of the Syrian aid campaign of the Beşir Association, which carries out its activities simultaneously at home and abroad, the work carried out in the regions under Turkey's control continues at a great pace during Ramadan.

As part of the Syrian aid campaign of the Beşir Association, which carries out its activities simultaneously at home and abroad, the work carried out in the regions under Turkey's control continues at a great pace during Ramadan.

Beşir association distributed food and basic supplies in various cities of Syria. With the activities that took place in scattered camps in various regions of Syria, Beşir Association makes the faces simile with your donations to Syrian war victims this Ramadan. The Syrian aid campaign of Beşir Association will continue with the aid efforts carried out throughout the month of Ramadan and afterward.

With the food and basic supplies aid carried out by Beşir Association in Syria, thousands of families in need were provided with a peaceful and happy Ramadan month. Food sent to Syria through our representation offices in different regions was delivered to those in need. With these works carried out by the Beşir Association within the scope of the Syrian aid campaign, the donations of our charitable donors were delivered to their place.

As the Beşir Association, our efforts will continue for families who have suffered due to the ongoing brutal civil war in Syria. You can support the Syrian aid campaign of the Beşir Association with your donations, thus enabling thousands of people to have a comfortable and peaceful month of Ramadan.

To donate, you can visit our online donation page.